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Venezuela before and after Chavez
Other > Pictures
3.47 MB

Latin America
+2 / -3 (-1)

May 20, 2009

Pictures of places in Venezuela before and after Chavez

Fotos de Venezuela antes y despues de Chavez


Chavez is a disaster for Venezuela and for the world but eventually you will get over him!Saludos!
Viva Chavez!
Fuck big oil.
Spoken like true Chavezistas.

Free this and that and loss of liberties. But hey, you voted for the fuckhead. Enjoy and don't come cryin' and bitchin' for help from the USA.

hugo is a dictator, nuff said fred
holy crap!
it looks like cuba, wait a minute, thats probably on purpose...

USA in 8 years
chisinaumoldova at 2009-05-21 00:39 CET:
"NO,Chavez is a disaster for the corrupt thieves that ruined the country before Hugo Chavez was legally voted in."

Isn't it more like trading in a pet cat that won't quit scratching you for a nice dog, only to find out that the damn dog is rabid when he bites you in the ass?!?

Can't get your way in a vote to change the constitution so that you can rule for life? Simple, just put it up for vote again and threaten, intimidate, cajole, cripple, incarcerate and/or kill enough of the opposition until you can't lose. How progressive, General Peron! Er, I mean Premier Stalin.....Oops! that should be "President Chavez".......
Yes, and Comrades Lenin and Stalin only cared about the proletariat and not at all about maintaining a deathgrip on power so they could swill all that decadent French champaign to wash down their Beluga caviar whilst riding in their limousines to their private dachas in the Crimea. Mao never used his power to acquire 12 year old virgins so he could pin them under his fat, sweaty belly while he deflowered them, did he? Millions starved while Mao remained fat. Chavez is no better and no more "for the people" than they were. He's completely in it for himself, like any dictator. I'm sure that, just like any dictator, the only "little man" he's concerned with is the one in his pants.

You can't make your point, so you have to degenerate to cursing and flaming. Of course, how could anyone from a rogue Romanian province like Bessarabia know any better, anyway?

Good points, tdatb. I'm no sucker for no government, no even USA, but God, I hate Chavezistas/Chavistas. This has to be one of the most retarded social group ever.